Colorizing Your Work Area or Office Space

Color psychologists maintain that certain colors affect our moods, and those moods, in turn, affect our ability to be productive. Regardless of the location or size of your office or work space, any adjustment that can contribute to a higher level of productivity is worth considering. Perhaps it's time to improve a color scheme that has become outdated and boring. Adding the right colors can bring new life into your work space and increase the creativity, communication, collaboration and energy flow.
Until recently, blue has been the all-time color of choice for offices and cubicles. Sky blue, royal blue and navy blue are popular variations. While the stronger, darker versions may be too overpowering for walls, adding a piece of Blue Jay office furniture allows you to introduce a pop of color without redoing the entire room. A blue area rug, lamp shade, file folders or desk accessories can accomplish the same purpose. Pale blue helps maintain focus and task completion. However, blues may not be the best choice for personalities that are already relaxed and have low-energy levels.

Although green is typically a cool color, some of the soft, warmer shades have become popular choices for today's modern offices. Green hints at outdoors and fresh air and nature at its finest. Bring in some living Bamboo, Money Plants, Snake Plants, or Mother-in-Law's Tongue for an even greener atmosphere. These varieties flourish in dark offices and naturally filter air pollutants. If you entertain clients at your desk or in your office, consider the positive feelings that chocolate brown walls can evoke. This color presents a reassuring atmosphere of security and credibility.

Work spaces that need to inspire creativity are energized by the color red. Ideas will flow as communication and collaboration are subliminally encouraged. If you meet clients at your desk, red is the color that tends to make the best first impression. However, if you are one of those people who are already highly stimulated, you might want to limit this powerful color to a few well-placed accents.

Orange is also an energizing color. It provokes a sense of enthusiasm and excitement. To moderate its influence, choose a terra-cotta or paler version for wall coverage. For a powerful pop of color, consider a bright orange task chair, desk accessories, file folders, 3-ring binders, wall posters or an orange upholstered bulletin board.

Many office complexes have already been painted standard neutral colors such as beige, gray, sand or tea, and personalizing with paint is not an option. Neutral colors are the perfect background for adding touches of your favorite color. Make you work space truly yours by adding accessories and desk tools in the color that lifts your mood and energizes you. Perhaps the colors of a favorite vacation place come to mind. Choose one of those shades and scatter it around your office area.

Finally, avoid yellow. Not only is it greatly affected by the lighting, but it is has the potential to be the most anxiety-producing and frustrating of all the shades in the color world. Purple is too closely associated with romance, and as such, it is definitely not suitable for most workplaces. Bright greens, reds, pinks or turquoises tend to be distracting and overwhelming. Studies show that employees feel overwhelmed in such intensely colored work areas.

When decorating your own work space or office area, take time to think about which colors will most complement your personality. Look for ways to incorporate your favorite color into your private space without offending the boss or the person in the cubicle next to you. Clean out the clutter, organize your space, add a touch of color and watch your productivity soar.

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